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Nancy Drew Season 5 or Cancelled? The CW Renewal & Release Date


Nancy Drew cancelled or renewed?

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Find out Nancy Drew Season 5 release date on The CW

The prospect of cancellation is a very real fear for most, if not all, TV shows. The axe will surely fall eventually, but WHEN? With our team of network sources and insiders, we have the very latest news on whether Nancy Drew is cancelled or renewed? Our handy cancel/renew tracker will keep you up to speed on the status of "The CW TV show Nancy Drew!

Scales of Cancellation

Nancy Drew Season 5 Cancelled or Renewal Status :

Renewal Status: Nancy Drew Cancelled by The CW! — No Season 5. Are your other favorite TV shows cancelled too? See more cancellations.

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Filed Under: The CW | Cancelled

Nancy Drew Season 5 Comments

Bus Driver says

I see they are filming Nancy Drew on September 16, 2021 at one of their previous set locations, Thunderbird Marina, just a 5 minute drive from the real Horseshoe Bay. This is indicated by all the white semi-trailer film trucks and direction signs pointing to the set that say “N D”, just as they have in the past. This is a good sign that another season of Nancy Drew is upon us.

Jack Dennis says

I think they should renewed season 4 because I wanted to see all the Hudson rise form their tooms just like temperance Hudson also I wanted to see Carson wife rise form the dead it like, Nancy meeting two family’s.

Jack Dennis says

I think season 4 should be Renewed because it is good and i would really like to see the other Hudson rise form their tooms just like temperature and team up with her and get back at the other Hudson And all sprits in horseshoe bay rise over horseshoe bay also Nancy meet drew wife as sprits.

Jack Dennis says

I think season 4 should be Renewed because it is good and i would really like to see the other Hudson rise form their tooms just like temperature and team up with her and get back at the other Hudson And all sprits in horseshoe bay rise over horseshoe bay also Nancy meet drew wife as sprits.

Laurie Potter says

I have been watching the show from the start.. It just keeps getting better.. The ensemble cast is awesome 😎. We need a season 4

Bec Foster says

Season four for Nancy Drew is a must have. Amazing mystery. Great Drew Crew. Bring it back for four !!!

Kayetlyn says

Need season 4! Best show on TV, and it’s so reminiscent of Buffy or Scooby Doo! I absolutely love it, and we could follow ‘the road back’ storyline and other storylines!

Lori A Bushey says

This is a great series. Please renew season 4.

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